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The Most Unique Fashion Trends Of The Last Decade

The Most Unique Fashion Trends Of The Last Decade

I have always been very obsessed with tracking the rise and fall of varying fashion trends. Primarily because it is always such an interesting look into the current psyche of the communities that embrace the trends. Why does a particular item of clothing or accessory become fashionable? Why does it then fall out of fashion? What are the societal and economic implications of said trend?

Fashion trends come and go every day. Some are basic repetitions of previous patterns. Such as clothing styles remerging. But sometimes we see a more unique trend emerge. Often an accessory, new hobby, or habit. Especially now we are living in the age of social media. It has become all too easy for new trends to consume the public eye and vanish just as quickly. But some do persist.

I want you to join me as I take a look at some of the most unique fashion trends of the last decade. The trends that have defined multiple generations and helped shape the fashion world as we know it today!

Naked Dresses

Naked dresses are nothing new. They first made the rounds back in the 90s. And it seemed, for a while at least, like they were here to stay. But they did dip out of the public eye at the turn of the millennium. But they have started to make a comeback.

While the trend didn’t entirely vanish it wasn’t until 2014 that we saw the naked dress remerge properly. Rihanna stunned the crowds at the 2014 CFDA awards in a naked dress that sparkled under the lights. And it didn’t take long for naked dresses to then work their way back into the public fashion scene. Although, as we saw with Bianca Censori, some people do take the term ‘naked’ to the extremes.

The naked dress trend is a curious, yet empowering one. It speaks to our society’s very modern views on modesty and self expression. Gone are the days of being ashamed of our skin. We now encourage people to embrace everything about themselves. And naked dresses are the epitome of this idea.


Now you might be shocked to see vaping on a list about fashion trends. But I would argue that vaping has become one of the most fashionable habits of the last decade. What started as an alternative to smoking has now been adopted as a status symbol. So much so that millions of people who have never consumed any nicotine now vape. Albeit they vape nicotine free vape juices.

It makes sense that vaping would become such a fashionable habit. Smoking was, for the longest time, a very stylish thing to do. It was very vogue to smoke. This all changed when we began to understand the dangers associated with smoking. And now vaping has created a far safer way for people to enjoy nicotine.

Another big reason that vaping is so in style is due to the fact it is far cheaper than smoking too. Especially now that vaping wholesalers have become more common. As anyone on TikTok will tell you, wholesale vape continues to be the most cost effective way of getting into vaping.

Speaking of TikTok, it has played a huge part in the meteoric rise of vaping. Not only are there hundreds of vaping focused TikTok accounts out there, but a vast majority of the most popular influencers are constantly seen vaping. And this encourages their fans to follow suit. Leading to a huge rise in the number of vapers out there.


It used to be that whenever I thought of suspenders I instantly looked back to the 50s. As a fashion item they definitely evoke a strong feeling of nostalgia for a time many of us never lived in. But despite their practical application, they were not to survive the ever changing stream of fashion. And suspenders become a fringe accessory for the longest time.

But they made a swift comeback in the last decade. Spurred on by a number of influential celebrities and TV shows like Doctor Who and Mad Men. And I for one am glad they are back in fashion. There is just something very powerful about a good pair of suspenders.

People often look down on them as being goofy. But they are quite a bold choice. Adding an extra level of class and style to any outfit. And it helps that they are also extremely practical too. Suspenders speak to the ever repeating cycles of fashion. Even the most outdated styles might eventually come back into vogue.

The biggest advantage to a pair of suspenders is the ability to draw focus towards the middle of the body. They serve as a great tool for highlighting your outfit as most people’s eyes are instantly drawn towards a pair of suspenders.

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